With the increasing threat of nuclear attack, it is important to be prepared in case of an emergency. Knowing what steps to take before and after a nuclear attack can help you survive and keep your family safe. Here are some tips on surviving a nuclear attack:
What should you do in a nuclear attack?
1. Have an Emergency Plan:
Make sure you have an emergency plan in place with your family or support system so that everyone knows where they need to go if there is a potential for danger from radiation exposure or other hazards associated with the aftermath of a nuclear event. This plan should include evacuation routes, designated meeting places, contact information for local authorities and resources such as shelters that may be available during this time period.
2. Stay Informed:
Keep up-to-date on news reports regarding any potential threats so you know when it’s necessary to act quickly in order protect yourself from harm's way if needed - this could mean evacuating certain areas or staying put depending on the situation at hand . It’s also important not only stay informed but also remain calm while doing so; panic can lead people into making rash decisions which could potentially put them at even greater risk than had they stayed levelheaded throughout their decision making process .
3.Find Shelter Immediately :
If there is imminent danger due to radiation exposure , find shelter immediately by seeking out underground spaces like basements , tunnels , garages etc., as these will provide more protection against radioactive particles than aboveground structures do . Once inside one of these shelters make sure all windows are closed tightly (even those covered by curtains ) and cover any air vents until further instructions come through via radio broadcast / TV etc .. Additionally try not turn anything electrical connected within home since its possible electric current might interfere with communication signals coming through during these times ...
4.Prepare Necessary Supplies :
5. Monitor Radiation Levels Regularly :
After finding safety monitor levels regularly using Geiger counter device measure amount present environment surrounding area … Depending results may need evacuate seek medical attention soonest possible manner prevent long term effects caused higher doses radiation …